User Management System Screenshot

Creative provides Content Management System,CMS,Content Manger,Content Management Software Solutions for managing dynamic websites more professionally and effectively.

Please see Content Management Screenshot below:

Customer Login / New User Sign Up

wordpress login

wordpress login
This section will provide the facility for the customers of the company to register their login names online. On authentication from the database the customers will get access to the pages on the website which are otherwise restricted for the normal visitors of the site. Registered customers can login any time to the website and access crucial company pages.
Forgot Password / Change Password
wordpress login
This section will provide the facility to change password or reset or get new password, if one user / customer forgets or need to chage password for protection.
Add / Modify / Delete / Activate / De-activate Customer Profile

wordpress project Profile

wordpress project Profile
You can add, edit or delete any User / client profile from content management system admin. The User account will be activated only after authentication from the database.
Enquiry Manager

e-mail details

e-mail details
The Enquiry Manager will allow the user to easily and effectively manage the enquiries received as a response to your company products.