Downloads Screenshot

Creative provides Content Management System,CMS,Content Manger,Content Management Software Solutions for managing dynamic websites more professionally and effectively.

Please see Content management Screenshot below:

Upload files for download
media library wordprass
You can now easliy upload files on your website, without use of FTP client server, or fire ftp’s which can be heavy and at time unsecured from trojans and threats. The download link is made visible on downloads section of website.
Downloadable links on website
link Downloadable
You can now easliy download files on your website, without use of FTP client server, or fire ftp’s which can be heavy and at time unsecured from trojans and threats. The download link is made visible on downloads section of website.
Adding case study on website
case study
The case study section of CMS enables you to add case study story with title, content and even provides field to upload PDF files which are visible on Case study section of website with Downloadable link
Case study on website
case study
It allows you to add images, content for the case study which will be visible on the website.