Jobs Management

Get more for less with CMS suite of powerful features!

No you can add your employee requirements online, whenever you have vacancy for an operator, or co-ordinator, or marketing executive, you can now add qualification needs, number of emplyess needed all at one stop.

Candidates can apply resumes online, from th website, and you can view all those resumes, in your emails and same will be stored in your website database, which will be visible through website admin.

Add Jobs / Vacancies from Admin

You can add as many Jobs categories and sub categories from admin, which will be visible in Careers section on the website. The multiple level content management system provides you fields like title, short description, long description, which you can add, modify, delete from admin.
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Upload Resumes Online

Recieve resumes online on your website with the upload form, you can view those resumes via email as well as will be stored in database in our Content Management Admin. You can show / hide vacancies any time.

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